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2012 DA14 - eine nahe Begegnung mit der Erde.
hier die Daten für 50°Nord 10°Ost:


JPL/HORIZONS (2012 DA14) 2013-Jan-27 10:16:16
Rec #:732129 (+COV) 2013-Jan-12_00:51:33 # obs: 194 (2012-2013)

FK5/J2000.0 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (AU, DAYS, DEG, period=Julian yrs):

EPOCH= 2456014.5 ! 2012-Mar-28.00 (CT) Residual RMS= .30806
EC= .1082238272885815 QR= .8933178241759214 TP= 2455895.35331637
OM= 147.2857081305732 W= 271.0846959522515 IN= 10.33896985713762
A= 1.001728742605687 MA= 117.1280275285997 ADIST= 1.110139661035453
PER= 1.00261 N= .983057387 ANGMOM= .017115839
DAN= .98797 DDN= .99203 L= 58.3883024
B= -10.3370968 TP= 2011-Nov-29.8533164

Physical parameters (KM, SEC, rotational period in hours):
GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a.
H= 24.357 G= .150 B-V= n.a.
ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a.

ASTEROID comments:
1: soln ref.= JPL#37, OCC=0
2: source=ORB


Ephemeris / WWW_USER Sun Jan 27 10:16:16 2013 Pasadena, USA / Horizons
Target body name: (2012 DA14) {source: JPL#37}
Center body name: Earth (399) {source: DE405}
Center-site name: (user defined site below)
Start time : A.D. 2013-Feb-15 00:00:00.0000 UT
Stop time : A.D. 2013-Feb-16 00:00:00.0000 UT
Step-size : 10 minutes
Target pole/equ : No model available
Target radii : (unavailable)
Center geodetic : 10.0000000,50.0000456,200.00011 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)}
Center cylindric: 10.0000000,4236.42161,5015.9979 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)}
Center pole/equ : High-precision EOP model {East-longitude +}
Center radii : 6378.1 x 6378.1 x 6356.8 km {Equator, meridian, pole}
Target primary : Sun {source: DE405}
Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km {source: DE405}
Rel. light bend : Sun, EARTH {source: DE405}
Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11, 3.9860E+05 km^3/s^2
Small perturbers: Ceres, Pallas, Vesta {source: SB405-CPV-2}
Small body GMs : 6.32E+01, 1.43E+01, 1.78E+01 km^3/s^2
Atmos refraction: YES (Earth refraction model)
RA format : HMS
Time format : CAL
RTS-only print : NO
EOP file : eop.130125.p130418
EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2013-JAN-25. PREDICTS-> 2013-APR-17
Units conversion: 1 AU= 149597870.691 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s
Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO )
Table cut-offs 2: Solar Elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO )
Initial FK5/J2000.0 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (AU, DAYS, DEG):
EPOCH= 2456014.5 ! 2012-Mar-28.00 (CT) Residual RMS= .30806
EC= .1082238272885815 QR= .8933178241759214 TP= 2455895.35331637
OM= 147.2857081305732 W= 271.0846959522515 IN= 10.33896985713762
Asteroid physical parameters (KM, SEC, rotational period in hours):
GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a.
H= 24.357 G= .150 B-V= n.a.
ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a.
Date__(UT)__HR:MN R.A.__(r-apparent)__DEC Azi_(r-appr)_Elev APmag delta deldot
2013-Feb-15 00:00 00 42 21.09 -75 25 55.8 197.4031 -60.8290 16.16 0.00306578207941 -6.2154023
2013-Feb-15 00:10 00 42 25.43 -75 29 15.1 196.4581 -61.2582 16.14 0.00304084595432 -6.2191671
2013-Feb-15 00:20 00 42 28.89 -75 32 35.5 195.4527 -61.6593 16.12 0.00301589460421 -6.2229933
2013-Feb-15 00:30 00 42 31.47 -75 35 56.6 194.3890 -62.0308 16.10 0.00299092779635 -6.2268742
2013-Feb-15 00:40 00 42 33.20 -75 39 17.8 193.2701 -62.3711 16.08 0.00296594532540 -6.2308028
2013-Feb-15 00:50 00 42 34.13 -75 42 38.8 192.0997 -62.6787 16.06 0.00294094701381 -6.2347721
2013-Feb-15 01:00 00 42 34.33 -75 45 59.0 190.8823 -62.9522 16.04 0.00291593271208 -6.2387753
2013-Feb-15 01:10 00 42 33.90 -75 49 18.0 189.6229 -63.1904 16.02 0.00289090229901 -6.2428051
2013-Feb-15 01:20 00 42 32.96 -75 52 35.5 188.3275 -63.3922 15.99 0.00286585568187 -6.2468545
2013-Feb-15 01:30 00 42 31.67 -75 55 50.9 187.0024 -63.5569 15.97 0.00284079279652 -6.2509163
2013-Feb-15 01:40 00 42 30.19 -75 59 04.1 185.6548 -63.6836 15.95 0.00281571360747 -6.2549834
2013-Feb-15 01:50 00 42 28.73 -76 02 14.9 184.2918 -63.7721 15.93 0.00279061810789 -6.2590487
2013-Feb-15 02:00 00 42 27.50 -76 05 23.1 182.9213 -63.8222 15.90 0.00276550631953 -6.2631049
2013-Feb-15 02:10 00 42 26.72 -76 08 28.9 181.5510 -63.8338 15.88 0.00274037829265 -6.2671452
2013-Feb-15 02:20 00 42 26.63 -76 11 32.3 180.1888 -63.8074 15.85 0.00271523410582 -6.2711623
2013-Feb-15 02:30 00 42 27.46 -76 14 33.6 178.8421 -63.7434 15.83 0.00269007386570 -6.2751494
2013-Feb-15 02:40 00 42 29.42 -76 17 33.1 177.5185 -63.6427 15.81 0.00266489770679 -6.2790995
2013-Feb-15 02:50 00 42 32.76 -76 20 31.4 176.2247 -63.5062 15.78 0.00263970579103 -6.2830058
2013-Feb-15 03:00 00 42 37.65 -76 23 29.0 174.9671 -63.3351 15.76 0.00261449830750 -6.2868617
2013-Feb-15 03:10 00 42 44.30 -76 26 26.4 173.7514 -63.1309 15.73 0.00258927547190 -6.2906605
2013-Feb-15 03:20 00 42 52.85 -76 29 24.5 172.5827 -62.8951 15.70 0.00256403752607 -6.2943958
2013-Feb-15 03:30 00 43 03.46 -76 32 23.9 171.4652 -62.6293 15.68 0.00253878473750 -6.2980613
2013-Feb-15 03:40 00 43 16.24 -76 35 25.4 170.4026 -62.3353 15.65 0.00251351739865 -6.3016508
2013-Feb-15 03:50 00 43 31.29 -76 38 29.8 169.3976 -62.0150 15.62 0.00248823582639 -6.3051584
2013-Feb-15 04:00 00 43 48.67 -76 41 37.8 168.4524 -61.6702 15.60 0.00246294036122 -6.3085782
2013-Feb-15 04:10 00 44 08.44 -76 44 50.3 167.5686 -61.3028 15.57 0.00243763136662 -6.3119046
2013-Feb-15 04:20 00 44 30.64 -76 48 08.0 166.7469 -60.9149 15.54 0.00241230922822 -6.3151322
2013-Feb-15 04:30 00 44 55.28 -76 51 31.6 165.9879 -60.5083 15.51 0.00238697435298 -6.3182557
2013-Feb-15 04:40 00 45 22.38 -76 55 01.8 165.2913 -60.0850 15.48 0.00236162716836 -6.3212702
2013-Feb-15 04:50 A 00 45 51.93 -76 58 39.3 164.6567 -59.6469 15.45 0.00233626812139 -6.3241709
2013-Feb-15 05:00 A 00 46 23.92 -77 02 24.7 164.0831 -59.1959 15.42 0.00231089767774 -6.3269532
2013-Feb-15 05:10 A 00 46 58.34 -77 06 18.5 163.5695 -58.7337 15.39 0.00228551632078 -6.3296130
2013-Feb-15 05:20 N 00 47 35.17 -77 10 21.3 163.1144 -58.2621 15.36 0.00226012455055 -6.3321461
2013-Feb-15 05:30 N 00 48 14.39 -77 14 33.7 162.7162 -57.7829 15.33 0.00223472288278 -6.3345488
2013-Feb-15 05:40 N 00 48 55.97 -77 18 56.1 162.3731 -57.2977 15.30 0.00220931184778 -6.3368175
2013-Feb-15 05:50 N 00 49 39.92 -77 23 29.0 162.0834 -56.8081 15.27 0.00218389198942 -6.3389491
2013-Feb-15 06:00 C 00 50 26.20 -77 28 12.9 161.8450 -56.3157 15.23 0.00215846386402 -6.3409405
2013-Feb-15 06:10 C 00 51 14.81 -77 33 08.1 161.6561 -55.8218 15.20 0.00213302803924 -6.3427891
2013-Feb-15 06:20 C 00 52 05.76 -77 38 15.0 161.5146 -55.3281 15.17 0.00210758509299 -6.3444925
2013-Feb-15 06:30 C 00 52 59.04 -77 43 34.1 161.4184 -54.8357 15.14 0.00208213561226 -6.3460485
2013-Feb-15 06:40 * 00 53 54.66 -77 49 05.7 161.3657 -54.3461 15.10 0.00205668019203 -6.3474553
2013-Feb-15 06:50 * 00 54 52.66 -77 54 50.1 161.3543 -53.8605 15.07 0.00203121943412 -6.3487113
2013-Feb-15 07:00 * 00 55 53.06 -78 00 47.8 161.3823 -53.3802 15.03 0.00200575394604 -6.3498152
2013-Feb-15 07:10 * 00 56 55.90 -78 06 59.1 161.4479 -52.9063 15.00 0.00198028433991 -6.3507661
2013-Feb-15 07:20 * 00 58 01.24 -78 13 24.2 161.5490 -52.4399 14.96 0.00195481123135 -6.3515632
2013-Feb-15 07:30 * 00 59 09.15 -78 20 03.7 161.6838 -51.9821 14.92 0.00192933523832 -6.3522060
2013-Feb-15 07:40 * 01 00 19.70 -78 26 57.8 161.8506 -51.5340 14.89 0.00190385698017 -6.3526944
2013-Feb-15 07:50 * 01 01 33.01 -78 34 06.9 162.0474 -51.0965 14.85 0.00187837707647 -6.3530284
2013-Feb-15 08:00 * 01 02 49.17 -78 41 31.4 162.2727 -50.6707 14.81 0.00185289614611 -6.3532082
2013-Feb-15 08:10 * 01 04 08.34 -78 49 11.6 162.5246 -50.2574 14.77 0.00182741480628 -6.3532346
2013-Feb-15 08:20 * 01 05 30.66 -78 57 08.0 162.8016 -49.8576 14.73 0.00180193367157 -6.3531081
2013-Feb-15 08:30 *m 01 06 56.31 -79 05 20.8 163.1019 -49.4721 14.69 0.00177645335311 -6.3528298
2013-Feb-15 08:40 *m 01 08 25.52 -79 13 50.6 163.4239 -49.1018 14.65 0.00175097445777 -6.3524008
2013-Feb-15 08:50 *m 01 09 58.50 -79 22 37.8 163.7661 -48.7474 14.61 0.00172549758743 -6.3518224
2013-Feb-15 09:00 *m 01 11 35.55 -79 31 42.7 164.1270 -48.4097 14.57 0.00170002333834 -6.3510962
2013-Feb-15 09:10 *m 01 13 16.96 -79 41 05.9 164.5048 -48.0895 14.53 0.00167455230060 -6.3502238
2013-Feb-15 09:20 *m 01 15 03.10 -79 50 47.7 164.8982 -47.7875 14.48 0.00164908505765 -6.3492067
2013-Feb-15 09:30 *m 01 16 54.38 -80 00 48.8 165.3055 -47.5043 14.44 0.00162362218602 -6.3480469
2013-Feb-15 09:40 *m 01 18 51.27 -80 11 09.6 165.7252 -47.2407 14.39 0.00159816425507 -6.3467460
2013-Feb-15 09:50 *m 01 20 54.31 -80 21 50.5 166.1557 -46.9971 14.35 0.00157271182700 -6.3453059
2013-Feb-15 10:00 *m 01 23 04.12 -80 32 52.2 166.5956 -46.7744 14.30 0.00154726545690 -6.3437283
2013-Feb-15 10:10 *m 01 25 21.42 -80 44 15.2 167.0433 -46.5729 14.26 0.00152182569313 -6.3420148
2013-Feb-15 10:20 *m 01 27 47.03 -80 56 00.0 167.4971 -46.3933 14.21 0.00149639307777 -6.3401670
2013-Feb-15 10:30 *m 01 30 21.91 -81 08 07.1 167.9554 -46.2360 14.16 0.00147096814740 -6.3381860
2013-Feb-15 10:40 *m 01 33 07.20 -81 20 37.1 168.4166 -46.1016 14.11 0.00144555143409 -6.3360729
2013-Feb-15 10:50 *m 01 36 04.21 -81 33 30.6 168.8789 -45.9906 14.06 0.00142014346670 -6.3338283
2013-Feb-15 11:00 *m 01 39 14.47 -81 46 48.1 169.3407 -45.9032 14.01 0.00139474477256 -6.3314523
2013-Feb-15 11:10 *m 01 42 39.82 -82 00 29.9 169.8001 -45.8400 13.96 0.00136935587939 -6.3289446
2013-Feb-15 11:20 *m 01 46 22.42 -82 14 36.5 170.2553 -45.8013 13.90 0.00134397731782 -6.3263040
2013-Feb-15 11:30 *m 01 50 24.86 -82 29 08.1 170.7042 -45.7875 13.85 0.00131860962425 -6.3235287
2013-Feb-15 11:40 *m 01 54 50.26 -82 44 05.0 171.1448 -45.7987 13.79 0.00129325334436 -6.3206160
2013-Feb-15 11:50 *m 01 59 42.38 -82 59 26.9 171.5751 -45.8354 13.74 0.00126790903712 -6.3175619
2013-Feb-15 12:00 *m 02 05 05.81 -83 15 13.6 171.9926 -45.8976 13.68 0.00124257727968 -6.3143613
2013-Feb-15 12:10 *m 02 11 06.18 -83 31 24.2 172.3951 -45.9856 13.62 0.00121725867293 -6.3110075
2013-Feb-15 12:20 *m 02 17 50.42 -83 47 57.2 172.7799 -46.0996 13.56 0.00119195384804 -6.3074920
2013-Feb-15 12:30 *m 02 25 27.13 -84 04 50.6 173.1444 -46.2395 13.50 0.00116666347415 -6.3038044
2013-Feb-15 12:40 *m 02 34 07.06 -84 22 00.8 173.4857 -46.4054 13.44 0.00114138826721 -6.2999316
2013-Feb-15 12:50 *m 02 44 03.65 -84 39 23.0 173.8006 -46.5973 13.37 0.00111612900037 -6.2958581
2013-Feb-15 13:00 *m 02 55 33.74 -84 56 49.7 174.0858 -46.8150 13.31 0.00109088651598 -6.2915649
2013-Feb-15 13:10 *m 03 08 58.25 -85 14 10.6 174.3376 -47.0584 13.24 0.00106566173960 -6.2870294
2013-Feb-15 13:20 *m 03 24 42.86 -85 31 10.6 174.5521 -47.3273 13.17 0.00104045569639 -6.2822245
2013-Feb-15 13:30 *m 03 43 17.97 -85 47 28.5 174.7249 -47.6212 13.10 0.00101526953012 -6.2771179
2013-Feb-15 13:40 *m 04 05 17.29 -86 02 34.8 174.8514 -47.9397 13.02 0.00099010452550 -6.2716715
2013-Feb-15 13:50 *m 04 31 13.14 -86 15 49.2 174.9263 -48.2821 12.95 0.00096496213425 -6.2658400
2013-Feb-15 14:00 *m 05 01 26.54 -86 26 19.9 174.9440 -48.6477 12.87 0.00093984400584 -6.2595699
2013-Feb-15 14:10 *m 05 35 51.13 -86 33 03.9 174.8982 -49.0355 12.79 0.00091475202351 -6.2527979
2013-Feb-15 14:20 *m 06 13 35.57 -86 34 54.7 174.7820 -49.4444 12.71 0.00088968834695 -6.2454490
2013-Feb-15 14:30 *m 06 52 58.22 -86 30 53.2 174.5875 -49.8728 12.62 0.00086465546275 -6.2374348
2013-Feb-15 14:40 *m 07 31 47.47 -86 20 21.7 174.3064 -50.3190 12.53 0.00083965624442 -6.2286505
2013-Feb-15 14:50 *m 08 08 02.06 -86 03 09.6 173.9290 -50.7808 12.44 0.00081469402389 -6.2189717
2013-Feb-15 15:00 *m 08 40 24.14 -85 39 28.9 173.4449 -51.2556 12.35 0.00078977267714 -6.2082507
2013-Feb-15 15:10 *m 09 08 26.15 -85 09 42.6 172.8422 -51.7401 12.25 0.00076489672711 -6.1963117
2013-Feb-15 15:20 *m 09 32 17.45 -84 34 14.2 172.1081 -52.2305 12.15 0.00074007146786 -6.1829451
2013-Feb-15 15:30 *m 09 52 26.31 -83 53 21.3 171.2281 -52.7219 12.04 0.00071530311506 -6.1678995
2013-Feb-15 15:40 *m 10 09 26.67 -83 07 12.8 170.1865 -53.2084 11.93 0.00069059898917 -6.1508737
2013-Feb-15 15:50 *m 10 23 51.07 -82 15 48.7 168.9663 -53.6829 11.82 0.00066596773955 -6.1315043
2013-Feb-15 16:00 *m 10 36 07.79 -81 19 00.5 167.5490 -54.1365 11.70 0.00064141961980 -6.1093519
2013-Feb-15 16:10 *m 10 46 40.30 -80 16 31.8 165.9153 -54.5585 11.58 0.00061696682779 -6.0838831
2013-Feb-15 16:20 *m 10 55 47.61 -79 07 58.4 164.0453 -54.9357 11.45 0.00059262392766 -6.0544471
2013-Feb-15 16:30 *m 11 03 44.99 -77 52 48.8 161.9195 -55.2522 11.31 0.00056840837583 -6.0202470
2013-Feb-15 16:40 Cm 11 10 44.68 -76 30 23.5 159.5199 -55.4886 11.17 0.00054434118009 -5.9803017
2013-Feb-15 16:50 Cm 11 16 56.50 -74 59 54.9 156.8317 -55.6216 11.02 0.00052044772888 -5.9333988
2013-Feb-15 17:00 Cm 11 22 28.37 -73 20 25.9 153.8453 -55.6232 10.87 0.00049675883872 -5.8780324
2013-Feb-15 17:10 Cm 11 27 26.68 -71 30 48.9 150.5591 -55.4607 10.70 0.00047331208156 -5.8123248
2013-Feb-15 17:20 Nm 11 31 56.60 -69 29 44.7 146.9819 -55.0956 10.53 0.00045015346991 -5.7339259
2013-Feb-15 17:30 Nm 11 36 02.29 -67 15 40.4 143.1353 -54.4844 10.35 0.00042733959688 -5.6398858
2013-Feb-15 17:40 Nm 11 39 47.09 -64 46 47.4 139.0548 -53.5777 10.16 0.00040494034630 -5.5264974
2013-Feb-15 17:50 Am 11 43 13.66 -62 00 59.5 134.7896 -52.3218 9.96 0.00038304230240 -5.3891052
2013-Feb-15 18:00 Am 11 46 24.14 -58 55 50.9 130.3996 -50.6586 9.75 0.00036175298277 -5.2218875
2013-Feb-15 18:10 Am 11 49 20.29 -55 28 36.0 125.9503 -48.5278 9.53 0.00034120596910 -5.0176318
2013-Feb-15 18:20 Am 11 52 03.65 -51 36 11.4 121.5072 -45.8680 9.30 0.00032156687145 -4.7675566
2013-Feb-15 18:30 m 11 54 35.64 -47 15 23.1 117.1286 -42.6201 9.06 0.00030303974781 -4.4612864
2013-Feb-15 18:40 m 11 56 57.65 -42 23 01.9 112.8606 -38.7316 8.82 0.00028587300251 -4.0871783
2013-Feb-15 18:50 m 11 59 11.11 -36 56 30.3 108.7340 -34.1638 8.57 0.00027036278033 -3.6333040
2013-Feb-15 19:00 m 12 01 17.50 -30 54 25.1 104.7630 -28.9031 8.33 0.00025685048065 -3.0894599
2013-Feb-15 19:10 m 12 03 18.25 -24 17 31.4 100.9469 -22.9747 8.10 0.00024570970214 -2.4504346
2013-Feb-15 19:20 m 12 05 14.69 -17 09 40.8 97.2725 -16.4578 7.89 0.00023731800605 -1.7201731
2013-Feb-15 19:30 m 12 07 07.96 -09 38 27.7 93.7183 -9.4944 7.73 0.00023201241557 -0.9153793
2013-Feb-15 19:40 m 12 08 58.89 -01 54 56.6 90.2578 -2.2848 7.61 0.00023003556983 -0.0661509
2013-Feb-15 19:50 r 12 12 00.59 +05 26 15.0 86.8636 4.4696 7.57 0.00023148873838 0.7882197
2013-Feb-15 20:00 m 12 14 07.23 +12 50 22.2 83.5097 11.3675 7.59 0.00023631062523 1.6074953
2013-Feb-15 20:10 m 12 16 04.83 +19 52 47.1 80.1739 17.9174 7.68 0.00024429150017 2.3591200
2013-Feb-15 20:20 m 12 18 01.81 +26 23 28.0 76.8393 23.9301 7.83 0.00025511579758 3.0233008
2013-Feb-15 20:30 m 12 19 59.59 +32 18 15.1 73.4941 29.3262 8.00 0.00026841527602 3.5932522
2013-Feb-15 20:40 m 12 21 58.52 +37 36 27.1 70.1329 34.0876 8.20 0.00028381568803 4.0721038
2013-Feb-15 20:50 m 12 23 58.73 +42 19 38.1 66.7554 38.2360 8.40 0.00030096837549 4.4688343
2013-Feb-15 21:00 m 12 26 00.25 +46 30 38.1 63.3670 41.8156 8.61 0.00031956649834 4.7948462
2013-Feb-15 21:10 m 12 28 03.08 +50 12 48.8 59.9776 44.8810 8.81 0.00033934985335 5.0617194
2013-Feb-15 21:20 m 12 30 07.25 +53 29 35.9 56.6007 47.4894 9.00 0.00036010290147 5.2800211
2013-Feb-15 21:30 m 12 32 12.78 +56 24 13.7 53.2530 49.6957 9.19 0.00038164958170 5.4588361
2013-Feb-15 21:40 m 12 34 19.72 +58 59 37.1 49.9525 51.5507 9.36 0.00040384714729 5.6057047
2013-Feb-15 21:50 m 12 36 28.13 +61 18 20.1 46.7180 53.1003 9.53 0.00042658020427 5.7267583
2013-Feb-15 22:00 m 12 38 38.06 +63 22 35.7 43.5676 54.3850 9.69 0.00044975546321 5.8269250
2013-Feb-15 22:10 m 12 40 49.60 +65 14 18.1 40.5180 55.4407 9.85 0.00047329734676 5.9101438
2013-Feb-15 22:20 m 12 43 02.84 +66 55 04.5 37.5836 56.2988 9.99 0.00049714441789 5.9795570
2013-Feb-15 22:30 m 12 45 17.88 +68 26 17.8 34.7760 56.9870 10.13 0.00052124652290 6.0376735
2013-Feb-15 22:40 m 12 47 34.81 +69 49 08.6 32.1042 57.5292 10.26 0.00054556252616 6.0865011
2013-Feb-15 22:50 m 12 49 53.77 +71 04 37.2 29.5738 57.9464 10.39 0.00057005852147 6.1276525
2013-Feb-15 23:00 m 12 52 14.88 +72 13 34.9 27.1879 58.2568 10.51 0.00059470642084 6.1624287
2013-Feb-15 23:10 12 54 38.27 +73 16 46.1 24.9472 58.4763 10.62 0.00061948283975 6.1918837
2013-Feb-15 23:20 12 57 04.10 +74 14 48.6 22.8501 58.6187 10.73 0.00064436821424 6.2168760
2013-Feb-15 23:30 12 59 32.51 +75 08 15.4 20.8934 58.6957 10.83 0.00066934609926 6.2381082
2013-Feb-15 23:40 t 13 02 03.67 +75 57 34.8 19.0724 58.7178 10.93 0.00069440260858 6.2561583
2013-Feb-15 23:50 13 04 37.75 +76 43 11.5 17.3818 58.6937 11.03 0.00071952596590 6.2715039
2013-Feb-16 00:00 13 07 14.94 +77 25 27.3 15.8153 58.6311 11.12 0.00074470614323 6.2845420
Column meaning:


Prior to 1962, times are UT1. Dates thereafter are UTC. Any 'b' symbol in
the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D.
date. Calendar dates prior to 1582-Oct-15 are in the Julian calendar system.
Later calendar dates are in the Gregorian system.

Time tags refer to the same instant throughout the universe, regardless of
where the observer is located.

The uniform Coordinate Time scale is used internally. It is equivalent to
the current IAU definition of "TDB". Conversion between CT and the selected
non-uniform UT output scale has not been determined for UTC times after the
next July or January 1st. The last known leap-second is used over any future

NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time.

Time tag is followed by a blank, then a solar-presence symbol:

'*' Daylight (refracted solar upper-limb on or above apparent horizon)
'C' Civil twilight/dawn
'N' Nautical twilight/dawn
'A' Astronomical twilight/dawn
' ' Night OR geocentric ephemeris

The solar-presence symbol is immediately followed by another marker symbol:

'm' Refracted upper-limb of Moon on or above apparent horizon
' ' Refracted upper-limb of Moon below apparent horizon OR geocentric
'r' Rise (target body on or above cut-off RTS elevation)
't' Transit (target body at or past local maximum RTS elevation)
's' Set (target body on or below cut-off RTS elevation)

Rise and set are with respect to the reference ellipsoid true visual horizon
defined by the elevation cut-off angle. Horizon dip and yellow-light refraction
(Earth only) are considered. Accuracy is < or = to twice the requested search

R.A._(r-apparent)__DEC. =
Refracted apparent right ascension and declination of the target center
with respect to the Earth's true-equator and the meridian containing the Earth
true equinox-of-date. Corrected for light-time, the gravitational deflection of
light, stellar aberration, precession, nutation and approximate atmospheric
refraction. Units: HMS (HH MM SS.ff) and DMS (DD MM SS.f)

Azi_(r-appr)_Elev =
Refracted apparent azimuth and elevation of target center. Corrected for
light-time, the gravitational deflection of light, stellar aberration,
precession, nutation and approximate atmospheric refraction. Azimuth measured
North(0) -> East(90)-> South(180) -> West(270) -> North (360). Elevation is
with respect to plane perpendicular to local zenith direction. TOPOCENTRIC

APmag =
Asteroid's approximate apparent visual magnitude by following definition:
APmag = H + 5*log10(delta) + 5*log10® - 2.5*log10((1-G)*phi1 + G*phi2).
In principle, accurate to ~ +/- 0.1 magnitude. For solar phase angles > 90 deg,
the error could exceed 1 magnitude. No values are output for phase angles
greater than 120 degrees, since the extrapolation error could be large and
unknown. Units: NONE

delta deldot =
Range ("delta") and range-rate ("delta-dot") of target center with respect
to the observer at the instant light seen by the observer at print-time would
have left the target center (print-time minus down-leg light-time); the
distance traveled by a light ray emanating from the center of the target and
recorded by the observer at print-time. "deldot" is a projection of the
velocity vector along this ray, the light-time-corrected line-of-sight from the
coordinate center, and indicates relative motion. A positive "deldot" means the
target center is moving away from the observer (coordinate center). A negative
"deldot" means the target center is moving toward the observer.
Units: AU and KM/S

Computations by ...
Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Connect : telnet:// (via browser)
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RE: 2012 DA14 - eine nahe Begegnung mit der Erde. - von astroexcel - 27.01.2013, 19:17

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